John McCain's Issue on Education


John McCain

"American eduation must be worthy of the promise we make to our children and ourselves - the freedom and opportunity to chase our dreams."    John McCain

John McCain believes that American education should be worthy of the promise that we make to our children as well as ourselves. McCain understands that the U.S. is a nation dedicated to equal opportunity, and that there is no equal opportunity without any equal access to an outstanding education.

In McCain's view public education must be defined as one in which the public supports for a child’s education follows that child into the school that the parent chooses. The school is charged with the responsibility of educating the child, and must have the resources and management authority to deliver on that responsibility. They must also report to parents and public on their progress.

No Child Left Behind has and will continue to focus our attention on the realities of how a student performs against common standards. McCain believes that low standards can no longer be accepted for some students and high standards for others. In this time of honest reporting, we finally realize what is happening to students who were previously invisible. While that is progress all its own, it compels us to seek out and find solutions to the dismal facts that stand before us.

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Jamie McDowell, Heather McDonald, Regina Hendricks, Synae Williams, & Sequoia Carter